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Merry christmas 


I just can't believe that it's that time of the year again..............time to take a look at our year.........Has it been a good one or a bad one???????  Oh, I think that this one has been a GREAT one.
First, the winter wasn't too bad and actually bearable. We had a couple measurable snowfalls, but not that piling up, and piling up of snow so I could live with that.  So, we survived another winter..........
Then came my very favorite time of the year.........SPRING!!!  I just love spring for so many reasons....... Oh for blossoms and blooms and good smells in the air.  I watch so closely for that very first daffodil: 
Do you remember that we always go out to fly our kite on March 1?  Well, look ........perfect kite flying weather. Donald is in just a sweater and there isn't any snow on the ground.
WOW!!!!! That doesn't happen very often. 
One more unique thing from this spring...........  We had this robin that insisted on flying at our window in the laundry room. That robin hit that window so many times that he cracked one of the panes. 
We just couldn't find a way to stop him .........that is, until I hung up one of Rylee's toys in the lilac bush. THAT scared him away for sure.  (Looked pretty funny to see a rubber chicken in the bushes!!!
A few more "shots of spring" at the farm.....
And to end up the spring...........two beautiful foals, both coming during Donald's favorite times.......the race to the Stanley Cup. So both babies ended up with "hockey" names.

A gorgeous black and white filly that we named Sydney (after Sid Crosby) and an awesome buckskin colt named Stanley for the Stanley Cup, of course.
Congratulations to Scott Dulaney and Sandy Young who bred mares to My Alybi for 2017 foals. Scott bred his Quarterhorse mare, Kit Kat, and Sandy bred her Half-Arab, Charm. Can't wait to see what they get next spring.  We have also bred Sassy to Alybi.............oooooo, I can't wait.

Summertime and......the fun builds!!!!

Showing, all over.....

Look........... Donald actually made it to a motorcycle ride  this year. And he did have a ball.

Finish out the year..

What fun we had when our Goddaughter, Melody, and her husband, Jed, came to visit us from California. It was Jed's first visit to PA and I think that he really enjoyed himself. He even got to take a short ride to look for some deer (and he found some).  It sure was a wonderful few days...........looking forward to more.
Look, Mel..........Christmas Past!!!       A long time ago.

And finally......

Last news for the year.  A BIG Congratulations to everyone who now owns or leases a Whispering Hill Farm horse: to Kate and Ernest Holzer and children on the purchase of Stanley,  Kathie Williams on the trade for Bucky, and an "almost done" purchase of Sydney, and Carla Tanner on the lease of Seranade and Nikki Massaro on the lease of Rainy.  I surely hope that everyone is enjoying their horse as much as we have.
                                                                    By the way, meet Snickerdoodles, the mare we got in partial trade for                                                                    Bucky. She is a very nicely bred young purebred mare who is bred to the                                                                    homozygous pinto Saddlebred stallion, Sunsation, for a 2017 pinto foal.                                                                             (think buckskin filly, please.)

Wishing All our Friends:  The very Merriest and Most Blessed Christmas Ever........

Make it full of love and lots of memories to carry with you even after our friends have gone. God Bless You All...........

          Love from Donald & Donna

© 2015 by Whispering Hill Farm

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